关于「 Nation」的内容列表

Class A shares of baby and child concept stocks partially strengthened, Beingmate rose by more than 8%, and Blond Rabbi, Huangshi Group, Western Animal Husbandry, and VV shares rose one after another. On the news, the National Health Commission decided to organize a study on high-quality population development in 2025...

Class A shares of baby concept stocks partially strengthened, Beingmate rose more than 8%, blond rabbi, Huangshi Group, Western Animal Husbandry, VV shares have risen. On the news, the National Health Commission decided to organize the 2025 high-quality population development research and research activities.

2025-03-25 03:26:44
US PRESIDENT TRUMP: We are talking to stakeholders in Greenland who want to make progress. This is critical to national security.

US PRESIDENT TRUMP: We are talking to stakeholders in Greenland who want to make progress. This is critical to national security.

2025-03-24 16:55:15
The Swiss National Bank is exploring a synthetic CBDC.

On March 22nd, according to ledgerinsights, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) has pioneered its pilot wholesale central bank digital currency (wCBDC) for the settlement of tokenized securities transactions on the SIX Digital Exchange (SDX). The Swiss National Bank recently released its annual report, which outlines other related activities, including exploring what is sometimes referred to as a synthetic CBDC - a private tokenized currency backed by central bank funds. The Swiss National Bank descri...

2025-03-22 05:46:59
The Swiss National Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points, the fifth consecutive rate cut

The Swiss National Bank cut the base rate by 25 basis points to 0.25%, the fifth consecutive rate cut, in line with market expectations.

2025-03-20 08:32:20
The head of Israel's National Security Directorate will be fired

On March 17, according to a statement from the Israeli Prime Minister's Office on the evening of March 16 local time, "due to continued distrust", Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will submit a proposal to the cabinet to dismiss Ronan Barr, the head of Israel's General Directorate of National Security (Shin Bet).

2025-03-16 20:05:16
ZK Nation: ZIP-8 voting period will be extended until next Tuesday, the proposal intends to unlock the creation of new chains

ZK Nation posted on the X platform that since the quorum has been reached, the voting period for the ZIP-8 proposal will be extended to around 19:20 UTC on March 17 (3:20 Beijing time on March 18). It is reported that the proposal will update the new chain creation parameters to unlock the creation of new chains after the ZIP-6 upgrade. In addition, the low-severity L1GenesisUpgrade issue will also be fixed.

2025-03-16 09:31:58
ZK Nation:ZIP-8投票期将延至下周二,该提案拟解锁新链创建

ZK Nation在X平台发文称,由于已达到法定投票人数,ZIP-8提案的投票期将延长至UTC时间3月17日19:20(北京时间3月18日3:20)左右,据悉该提案将更新新链创建参数,以便在ZIP-6升级后解锁新链的创建。此外还将修复低严重性的L1GenesisUpgrade问题。

2025-03-16 09:31:58
Next week's important macro event forecast: central banks announce interest rate decisions, the Federal Reserve FOMC announces interest rate decisions

Next week's important macro events and data forecasts are as follows (all in Beijing time): In terms of macroeconomic data: Monday at 20:30, the monthly rate of retail sales in the United States in February and the New York Federal Reserve Manufacturing Index in March. On Tuesday, the Bank of Japan will announce its interest rate decision. At 14:30, Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Ueda will hold a monetary policy press conference. Wednesday at 18:00, Eurozone CPI data for February. On Thursday at 1...

2025-03-16 07:54:39
Amber International completes merger and listing, and the stock code AMBR will be listed on NASDAQ

Amber International (brand name: Amber Premium) (NASDAQ: AMBR), the crypto Financial Institution Group services and solutions provider of Amber Group, today announced that it has completed the merger transaction with iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited on March 12, Eastern Time, and officially began trading on the NASDAQ Global Market on March 13, Eastern Time under the ticker symbol "AMBR". As a core subsidiary of the Amber Group, Amber Premium will make full use of its own operating areas.

2025-03-13 13:29:03
Amber International 完成合并上市,股票代码 AMBR 将在纳斯达克挂牌交易

Amber Group 旗下加密金融机构服务和解决方案提供商 Amber International (品牌名:Amber Premium) (NASDAQ: AMBR) 今日宣布,已在美东时间 3 月 12 日完成与 iClick Interactive Asia Group Limited 的合并交易 ,并正式在美东时间 3 月 13 日于纳斯达克全球市场以股票代码 “AMBR” 开始交易。 作为 Amber Group 的核心子公司,Amber Premium 将充分利用其自营区...

2025-03-13 13:29:03
HSBC Holdings: + 0.2%; Capital Economics: + 0.2%; Jefferies Group: + 0.2%; Goldman Sachs Group: + 0.3%; ING: + 0.3...

HSBC Holdings + 0.2%; Capital Economics + 0.2%; Jefferies + 0.2%; Goldman Sachs + 0.3%; ING + 0.3%; Citigroup + 0.3%; ABN Amro + 0.3%; Lloyds + 0.3%; Mizuho + 0.3%; BNP + 0.3%; Allied Banking + 0.3%; Morgan Stanley + 0.3%; Bank of America Merrill Lynch + 0.3%; Deutsche Bank + 0.3%; Wells Fargo + 0.3%; Barclays + 0.3%; Nomura + 0.3%; Scotiabank + 0.3%; Royal Bank + 0.3%; Deutsche Bank + 0.3%; Moody's Analytics: + 0.3%; Panson Macro: + 0.3%; JPMorgan Chase: + 0.3%; Santander: + 0.3%; UBS: + 0.3%; ...

2025-03-12 03:29:48
Waltz, National Security Adviser to the President of the United States: Ukraine Minerals Agreement is currently moving in a positive direction

Waltz, National Security Adviser to the President of the United States: The Ukraine minerals deal is currently moving in a positive direction, and if negotiations reach an agreement, Trump will lift the suspension of aid to Ukraine.

2025-03-05 12:43:11
Trump has escalated his tough talk on Greenland, saying the United States needs the Danish territory for national security and even international security. Click to view...

Trump has escalated his tough talk on Greenland, saying the United States needs the Danish territory for national security and even international security. Click to view...

2025-03-05 08:20:33
The head of the Swiss National Bank has denied the idea of holding reserves as part of the SNB

According to local media reports, Swiss National Bank (SNB) Governor Martin Schlegel rejected the idea of Bitcoin as a SNB reserve, citing a lack of stability, liquidity and security. In an interview with Tamedia Group, Schlegel listed three main concerns surrounding cryptocurrencies. The first is the volatility of cryptocurrencies, which he believes makes them unsuitable for long-term preservation of value.

2025-03-01 18:52:00
The agenda of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is here

On March 1st, the 10th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held on March 1st decided that: The third meeting of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference will be held in Beijing on March 4, 2025. The main agenda of the proposed meeting is: to hear and consider the work report of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consul...

2025-03-01 01:42:34

7x24 快讯

23:41 2025-03-31
据Farside Investors监测,昨日BITB净流出1990万美元。
23:32 2025-03-31
金色晨讯 | 4月1日隔夜重要动态一览
21:00-7:00关键词:Tether Treasury、Circle、FDIC、DOGINME 1.特朗普:将尽可能长时间地留住马斯克; 2.Tether Treasury在波场网络上增发10亿枚USDT; 3.特朗普家族通过新控股公司持有WLFI至少60%的股份; 4.Circle聘请投行以推进IPO进程,预计4月底公开提交申请文件; 5.美联储威廉姆斯:当前经济并不存在滞涨,预计经济将继续增长; 6.Coinbase要求重启对FDIC诉讼,指控该监管机构持续隐瞒关键文件; 7.Coin...
23:26 2025-03-31
The9 Limited宣布获得800万美元战略投资
4月1日消息,据官方消息,纳斯达克上市互联网企业The9 Limited宣布与加密货币投资基金Elune Capital、Fine Vision Fund和Bripheno Pte. Ltd.签署定向增发协议。根据协议,投资方将向The9注资800万美元。The9将以协议签署前30个交易日平均收盘价向投资方发行A类普通股,所发行股份将遵守法定锁定期...
23:01 2025-03-31
23:01 2025-03-31
22:58 2025-03-31
当地时间周一,当被问及尽管有宪法第22条修正案,是否仍有可能寻求竞选第三届总统时,美国总统特朗普表示,他“尚未考虑”竞选第三届总统。“关于竞选第三届总统,有很多说法。我不知道。我从未考虑过。他们确实说有办法可以做到,但我对此不太了解,我还没有去研究过。” 特朗普在椭圆形办...
22:43 2025-03-31
OpenAI首席执行官Sam Altman周一表示,OpenAI 计划在未来几个月内发布自GPT-2以来首个具有推理能力 的开放重量级语言模型,公司将与开发者讨论如何让它发挥作用。开放权重语言模型是一种允许根据新的输入数据或任务调整或微调模型权重的类型。Altman说:"我们还需要做出一些决定,因此我们正在举办开发者活动,以收集反馈意见,并在之后试用早期原型。”
22:43 2025-03-31
22:34 2025-03-31
22:28 2025-03-31
一季度,CME比特币期货BTC主力合约累计下跌18%,CME以太币期货DCR主力合约累跌48.44%。比特币ETF HODL累计下跌77.95%,以太币ETF QETH跌45.4%、FETH跌45.38%、ETHA跌45.35%。区块链概念股/加密数字货币概念股Bakkt控股跌65%,KULR跌62.82%,TeraWulf跌51.77%,Cipher矿业跌50.43%,Hut 8跌43.29%。整体上涨的屈指可数,第九城市ADR累涨3.23%,网红券商Robinhood涨11.70%,Beyond Inc.涨17.65%。
22:25 2025-03-31
据CME“美联储观察”: 美联储5月维持利率不变的概率为86.4%,降息25个基点的概率为13.6%。美联储到6月维持利率不变的概率为24%,累计降息25个基点的概率为66.2%,累计降息50个基点的概率为9.8%。
22:25 2025-03-31